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Understanding Morton's Neuroma Symptoms and Treatment

If you suffer from ongoing pain, tingling, or numbness between your third and fourth toes, or even second or third ones (the first toe being the largest), you may suffer from a benign condition known as Morton’s neuroma. Named for the 19th-century American surgeon, Thomas George Morton, it can be caused by a variety of factors. Our outstanding podiatrists, Joseph DiMenna, DPM, David DiMenna, DPM, and Joseph Bakanas, DPM, at the Family Foot and Ankle Center of South Jersey in Cherry Hill can diagnose and help relieve the pain of this condition and many others.

We heal your pain

Early diagnosis leads to the best treatment options. If you feel symptoms in your foot, such as pain or tingling in this area, let us know. Our experts diagnose Morton’s neuroma as follows:

Without proper treatment, your symptoms may progress over time. You may find temporary relief by removing tight shoes or massaging the area. Over the long run, however, your symptoms get worse as the neuroma, caused by a thickening of your nerves, grows larger. At that point, the nerves may be permanently compromised.

What causes Morton’s Neuroma

Our feet remain our primary support system, and we often run them ragged. Sports injuries and repetitive movements day after day can contribute to this painful condition. Other factors include: 

Help is on the way

Once our doctors diagnose your condition, we devise a treatment plan, which may be as simple as wearing different shoes. We may also recommend: 

Over 80% of people with a Morton's neuroma improve with non-surgical treatment. Our accomplished podiatry team can also surgically remove the soft tissue inflaming your nerve during a relatively simple procedure known as decompression surgery or neurectomy. Another option, cryogenic neuroablation therapy, freezes the nerves at extremely cold temperatures between -50 degrees to -70 degrees Celsius. This destroys both the myelin sheath surrounding the nerves and the underlying nerves. We can also remove the nerve entirely in more severe cases.

Don’t suffer needlessly with foot pain. If you suspect Morton’s neuroma or other foot-related problems, call us or book an appointment online with one of our experienced podiatrists at the Family Foot and Ankle Center of South Jersey today.

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