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How Long Does It Take For An Ankle Sprain To Heal?

How Long Does It Take For An Ankle Sprain To Heal?

Ankle sprains are common and unwelcome. Whether you sprain your ankle due to a sports injury, a work accident, or from walking down the stairs in your house, a sprain can upend your life. Suddenly, getting anywhere can become a lot more challenging. If you have places to be and things to do, you’re probably wondering how quickly you can get over your sprain.  

We can help with that. Our providers at Family Foot and Ankle Center of South Jersey in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, can evaluate your ankle injury and give you a timeline for healing. At the same time, we can develop a treatment plan to help you get back on your feet as fast as possible.

Ankle sprains and healing times

A sprain is an injury in which ligaments — which connect bones together — overly stretch or tear. As with any injury, the more severe your sprain is, the longer you’ll need to be off your feet. Most minor sprains heal in about two weeks, but a more serious one could have you hobbling around for a few months. 

Furthermore, this also assumes that your injury is actually a sprain and not a fracture. If it’s a fracture, you could be in recovery mode even longer. You could have a fracture if any of the following symptoms apply to you:

It’s important to note that some of these signs, such as swelling, can also indicate a sprain. To confirm you don’t have a fracture, pay us a visit. Our team can X-ray your foot to determine if you sprained your ankle or if your injury is more serious. 

Shortening your healing time

If your injury is a sprain, you largely play a waiting game as your body’s natural healing processes go to work. However, there are things you can do to help your body heal.

For example, you should do your best to support your ankle and keep weight off of it. To help with this, we may recommend wearing a brace or splint. We may also recommend taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication. Furthermore, we may recommend using the RICE method, which stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation, to help bring down any swelling. 

In short, staying off of your ankle and following our at-home care instructions can go a long way toward helping you heal as fast as possible. Following the right treatment plan might even mean getting back on your feet in days rather than weeks.

If you have an ankle injury, we can give it a thorough evaluation and discuss your next steps. To learn more, call 856-381-0310 to book an appointment with Family Foot and Ankle Center of South Jersey today.

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